Lilitha College of Nursing 2025 Application: Programmes, Requirements & More

Lilitha College of Nursing Application 2025, Programmes offered are based on the demands and priorities of the health system and demographics of the EC Province.

The college offers both basic and post-basic nursing programmes including specialist programmes. It has consistently produced large volumes of nurses permanently allocated to the clinical services of the province.

The college embraces academic excellence in learning where generations of disciplinary knowledge are entrusted into nursing practice, research regarding human experiences of health, illness, and healing, utilizing Community-Based and Evidence-Based practice focusing on holistic relationships centered around a caring approach that facilitates the well-being of individuals.

Recruitment and selection of students in the Eastern Cape must ensure accessibility of nursing education programmes to rural and urban candidates and alleviate a gross shortage of nurses in the Province, especially in the remote rural areas.

Lilitha College of Nursing

Lilitha College of Nursing Requirements

Lilitha College of Nursing Programmes and Courses

How to Apply to Lilitha College of Nursing

Lilitha College of Nursing Contact Details

Lilitha College of Nursing Course Fees

How to Apply for Admission at Lilitha College of Nursing

You can also check the Nursing Courses for every school, the Nursing Requirements, and the Nursing Online Application Procedures

Nursing Schools in South Africa

The nursing schools in South Africa are grouped into the various provinces and major cities in which each school is located. You would need to follow the link to get all the schools located in the province or city you are interested in.

Please take note that you can also check the available courses, admission requirements, contact information, and how to apply to every single nursing

College in South Africa.

Nursing Colleges in Gauteng Province

Nursing Colleges in Pretoria

Nursing Colleges in Western Cape Province

Nursing colleges in Cape Town

Nursing Colleges in Eastern Cape Province

Nursing Colleges in Northern Cape Province

Nursing Colleges in Free State Province

Nursing colleges in Johannesburg

The above is the list of some nursing colleges and schools in South Africa. We will continue to update the list to get a comprehensive list of all nursing colleges in South Africa