Unisa Nursing Administration

Unisa Nursing Administration; This subject guide provides access to the Library’s key resources relevant to the field of nursing management, nursing leadership and nursing administration and serves as a point of departure in finding information as well as providing further avenues of for self-exploration.

You will need your student number and myUnisa password to access Unisa library online services and electronic resources.

Explore the different resources to find references to books, theses, articles and newspaper reports on nursing management, leadership and administration and contact your personal librarian if you need any assistance.

LibQual Survey

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The Unisa Library is committed to giving you the best service and improving on areas where we do not meet your expectations. We would like to know if your experience of the services we have offered thus far met your expectations and the level of service you desire.

Understanding your service level ratings and any gaps between what we provide and what you require will help us to tailor our services to meet your information needs successfully. To voice your opinion, please take approximately 20 minutes of your time to complete the LibQUAL+ survey available at the link below:

If you have any queries, contact us at: [email protected]

Research Skills

Should you need to find information on how to select a topic, structure a keyword search, search the relevant databases, evaluate the content of your search results and keeping up to date with your research, you could also access the Research Skills LibGuide.

Other Unisa Important Information

Unisa Nursing Requirements

UNISA Nursing Course and Programme

Unisa Nursing Application Fee

Unisa Nursing Application Documents Needed

UNISA Nursing Application Process