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How to Apply for Admission to University of Limpopo UL Nursing

In this article, we will talk about the admission process at the University of Limpopo UL. But at the end of this article, you will also come across some useful links with more information.

Since you are checking out the closing dates, you should also check out the University of Limpopo UL Nursing Courses and to know all about the admission check out the University of Limpopo UL Nursing Requirements.

Before applying too you must ensure that you do not miss the application dates. Please have a look at all of them here University of Limpopo UL Nursing Application Closing Date.

Procedure to apply for Admission to University of Limpopo UL Nursing School


  • Qualification you intend following: this is the degree/diploma that you want to study. Please indicate your first, second and third choices, and consult the brochure for courses offered at the campus you wish to study at.


  • Title: A word that is used before someone’s name, stating their social rank, qualifications, position in an organization, sex, (e.g. Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Prof, Dr etc.)
  • Initial (s):  First letter (s) of your name (s)
  • Surname: the surname that appears on ID/Birth certificate as well as matriculation statement/certificate.
  • Maiden Surname: for married women only (this is the surname before marriage).
  • Full Names: The names that appear on your birth certificate/identity document.
  • Identity Number (RSA): Thirteen (13) numbers that appear on your birth certificate/ ID Book; of which the first six  (6) numbers are your date of birth.
  • Date of Birth: The year, month and date that you were born (e.g. 17 September 2013)
  • Passport Number (International Students): A passport number is basically the number denoted on your passport as such. To locate the number on your passport, check on the top right hand corner of the page where your photo is and find the place where it is indicated ‘passport number’.
  • Passport Expiry Date: The date on your passport indicating end of your stay in a foreign country
  • Marital Status: Indicates whether you are married, single, divorced or a widow.
  • Gender: Your biological identity (e.g. Male or Female)
  • Home Language/Mother Tongue: The language spoken at home.
  • Religion/Church Affiliation: the religion you follow (e.g. Christianity, Islam).
  • Occupation: what you are doing currently (e.g. Grade 12 pupil, student).
  • Physical impairment: (e.g. Blindness, deafness, paraplegic, etc) this is in order for the University to assist with your needs.
  • Residential or Physical Address: this is the home address or street address.
  • Postal Address: this is the address where you receive your post from.
  • Contact Details (Telephone No, Cell No, Fax No, E-mail)

See University of Limpopo UL Nursing Application Closing Date


  • Citizenship/Nationality: (e.g. South Africa, Namibian, etc)
  • Ethnic Group: this information is mainly required for government reporting (i.e. Black, White, Colored, or Indian).
  • Province/State: this is the province which you come from (e.g. North West, Mpumalanga, etc).
  • Rural/Urban/Peri-Urban: please indicate the nature of the area you come from.


  • Examination Date; this is the anticipated date for your examination if you are a current matriculate or the date that you sat for matriculation examination if you wrote previously (e.g. November 2008 or November 2007).
  • Highest Grade: the highest grade or standard you have passed (e.g. Grade 11 for current matriculate, Grade 12).
  • Examination Number: please provide if it has already been issued.
  • Matriculation Certificate Type: how the matric was obtained (for those who have already passed matric) e.g. matriculation certificate with endorsement or matriculation certificate without endorsement.
  • School Name: The school you obtain your matriculation/grade12 certificate.
  • Examination Department: indicate the province your school is in.
  • Last Examination: The date, month and year that you wrote your last examination.
  • Subject and Results of Last Examination: As indicated on your grade 11 report or grade 12 statement of result.

Read University of Limpopo UL Nursing Undergraduate Application


  • This information is important for applicants that studied at this or another institution of higher learning before. Please note that false information on this part will result in your application not to be considered.


  • This is optional. Accommodation is limited on Campus. Completing this section does not guarantee that you will be allocated accommodation.


  • This is optional.  Application forms are available at Student Finance Office.


  • Refer to Personal Details
  • Complete this section ONLY if you or your guardian/Parent/Spouse is a staff member of the University of Limpopo.


  • This is to declare that the information provided by the applicant on the application form   is true and correct.


How to Apply for Admission to University of Limpopo UL Nursing

University of Limpopo UL Nursing Requirements

University of Limpopo UL Nursing International Student Application

University of Limpopo UL Nursing Postgraduate Application

University of Limpopo UL Nursing Undergraduate Application

University of Limpopo UL Nursing Courses

University of Limpopo UL Nursing Application Closing Date

Nursing ApplicationNursing RequirementCourses Available
List of Nursing SchoolsNursing Colleges in Provinces Contact Addresses
Gauteng CollegeFrequently Asked Questions